Want to win free stuff for posting a picture? The IREP junk Removal trucks can easily be seen all around town because of the fiery, metallic blue color. It truly stands out. We get messages all the time saying, “I saw your truck today!” We wanted to take that sort of exposure and turn it into a fun trend.

How the IREP Junk Removal trend works.
If you see our trucks anywhere, safely take a picture, and post it to social media: Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, with the hashtag #IREPtrucktrack, then you will be entered into a monthly drawing to receive an item from our resale shop for FREE (some items and sets excluded).
The important thing to note is that the particular post has to be made public so that we can see it in order to enter you in the drawing. You could also screenshot it and send it to us so that we know it’s done. Bonus brownie points if you tell everyone what area of town you saw it (you will not get actual brownie bits).

What if you win?
We will reach out to you to let you know the process from there. We do offer delivery, however, that is not free. You will get the item, but you will have to pay $30 (or more if you live outside our 30-mile work radius) in order for us to bring it to you. Pick-up from our HQ is always free but available by appointment only, which we will also share upon winning.
There is more than one truck, so your odds are pretty good if you live within our service area. Book a job with us and you’re chances are FAR greater because the truck will be right outside your home or business, but you have to make sure you use the hashtag when you post it.
We would also greatly appreciate you sharing your pictures on our Google page, along with a review. It would help more than you know (or maybe you do know).

As everyone buys or gets free items, that increases our space to save more from getting thrown in the landfill, which is our whole mission. You’re helping to be a hero too! Let’s get the trend rolling! Maybe you’ll be in Austin traffic with us!